

video P/D with 10 yrs experience in documentary, narrative and advertising, for all audiences: including last minute self-shooting explainers and promos, strategic content for business, large crew long form over many months, and creative agencies 


___purpose first


you’ll find me sincerely interested, obligingly thoughtful, naturally empowering, forensically detailed and resourceful 

______concept second 


I'm a great believer in well-reasoned, simple marketing strategies - but always prioritise accuracy of message over generating a lot of noise 


_________creative third 


a brilliant film is a good story told well: we’ll utilise every available artform to tell different parts of a narrative, simultaneously 


___no barriers to
___making it happen .


partnered with a veteran DOP and his £50k shooting kit:
inc. Panasonic, Blackmagic, Sony, Leica cameras; prime, zoom, anamorphic lenses; Sennheiser mics and Mix Pre recorder; Glidecam,
motorised slider, gimbal; monitors; portal backdrops; stacks and stacks of lighting, gels, diffusion  

in-house £30k post production suite:
see The Wooden Post House 

locations galore within the 200 acre estate

prowess in deflating workflow, and all things technical


___compliance / competency:
___maxed out 


insurances: PI • PL • C • Class 2B (for 2020 SUV) 

CAA approved drone operator 

EFAW trained First-Aider 

certified sustainable practices (Green Small Business): minimal scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and single use uncompostables

IOSH/BECTU Creative Industries Safety Passport: every piece of kit has an engineer maintenance log, and risk assessments and controls are carried out in accordance with HSE guidelines for audio-visual production 

associate member of PACT 

roaring roster of regulars that are rounded and grounded, passionate and dedicated: many of which I trained myself  - having visiting tutored at many colleges and universities, most recently the NFTS and LAMDA


___where’s the portfolio? .

your proposition is unique 

rather than reviewing how I exceeded altogether different creative challenges, spend two minutes briefing me on your journey, and judge me on my initial instincts. in this burgeoning world of AI, appropriation and algorithms, a little introspection will not disappoint 

the portfolio of listed companies and broadcast credits can wait

besides, most of you come by this neck of the woods via recommendation, anyway: my pricing is unbeatable, I am motivated solely to be useful - both in spirit and by the letter. there is no sales funnel, every statement of work is bespoke 


___James .
___ask@theforest.tv .



© 2024 The Forest TV Productions Ltd.




video P/D with 10 yrs experience in documentary, narrative and advertising, for all audiences: including last minute self-shooting explainers and promos, strategic content for business, large crew long form over many months, and creative agencies 


___purpose first


you’ll find me sincerely interested, obligingly thoughtful, naturally empowering, forensically detailed and resourceful 

______concept second 


I'm a great believer in well-reasoned, simple marketing strategies - but always prioritise accuracy of message over generating a lot of noise 


_________creative third .


a brilliant film is a good story told well: we’ll utilise every available artform to tell different parts of a narrative, simultaneously 


___no barriers to
___making it happen .


partnered with a veteran DOP and his £50k shooting kit:
inc. Panasonic, Blackmagic, Sony, Leica cameras; prime, zoom, anamorphic lenses; Sennheiser mics and Mix Pre recorder; Glidecam,
motorised slider, gimbal; monitors; portal backdrops; stacks and stacks of lighting, gels, diffusion  

in-house £30k post production suite:
see The Wooden Post House 

locations galore within the 200 acre estate

prowess in deflating workflow, and all things technical


___compliance / competency:
___maxed out 


insurances: PI • PL • C • Class 2B (for 2020 SUV) 

CAA approved drone operator 

EFAW trained First-Aider 

certified sustainable practices (Green Small Business): minimal scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and single use uncompostables

IOSH/BECTU Creative Industries Safety Passport: every piece of kit has an engineer maintenance log, and risk assessments and controls are carried out in accordance with HSE guidelines for audio-visual production 

associate member of PACT 

roaring roster of regulars that are rounded and grounded, passionate and dedicated: many of which I trained myself  - having visiting tutored at many colleges and universities, most recently the NFTS and LAMDA


___where’s the portfolio? .

your proposition is unique 

rather than reviewing how I exceeded altogether different creative challenges, spend two minutes briefing me on your journey, and judge me on my initial instincts. in this burgeoning world of AI, appropriation and algorithms, a little introspection will not disappoint 

the portfolio of listed companies and broadcast credits can wait

besides, most of you come by this neck of the woods via recommendation, anyway: my pricing is unbeatable, I am motivated solely to be useful - both in spirit and by the letter. there is no sales funnel, every statement of work is bespoke 


___James .
___ask@theforest.tv .



© 2024 The Forest TV Productions Ltd.